Do you have memories that make you unhappy?
It’s possible to change memories and how you feel.
Memories aren't kept as separate items like files on a computer that you can pull up one at a time. Rather, they exist within a complex web of interconnected neurons. Each neuron plays a role in various memories, and each memory activates several neurons. This interconnectedness helps memories remain intact even if some neurons are damaged; the overall memory can still be accessed. Additionally, memories are not fixed; they can shift and develop over time. New experiences can alter our existing memories, and past memories can be viewed differently as we gain new insights.
Three areas of the brain are involved in the creation and retrieval of memories, the hippocampus, the amygdala, and the cortex.
The Hippocampus is the memory hub for;
declarative memory – (conscious memory of a particular fact or event). This includes both semantic memory (general knowledge) and episodic memory (personal experiences).
spatial memory - the ability to remember the location of objects and places. This is essential for navigation and finding your way around.
Memory consolidation - transferring information from short-term to long-term storage.
The Amygdala is the emotional filter. It attaches emotional significance to experiences, helping us to remember events that evoke strong emotions this in turn enhances memory consolidation. This is why we often remember emotionally significant events more vividly than neutral ones.
The Cortex is the primary storage site for long-term memories. Different areas of the cortex are specialized for storing different types of information.
When we experience something new, the hippocampus and amygdala work together to encode the information and attach emotional significance to it. They also work with the cortex to access and recall the stored information.
So how can we affect this and why would we want to?
Let’s look at the why first.
Suppose you have a memory that you don’t like, that is painful in some way, wouldn’t you like to be able to change it so that it was less upsetting? Alternatively, what about happy memory, what if you could make it even better, so that it made you feel even more happy?
So how can we do this?
There are a number of techniques that can be used to make adjustments to memories, changing their content and emotional strength. Here is a simple one to make small changes that can have a noticeable effect.
Step one. Find a memory you don’t like, (nothing too big, some examples might be, someone said something to you recently that upset you, or you perhaps made a silly mistake and feel embarrassed about it, or maybe someone cut you off whilst you were driving and made you angry).
Step two. Examine the memory
Are you seeing things through your own eyes, or are you watching yourself?
Is the memory in colour or black and white?
Is this still image or a moving picture?
Are sounds and voices loud or quiet?
Are they clear or muffled?
Note down the answers to these questions.
Step three. Now find a pleasant memory, (again, not a big powerful memory just something that you like or makes you smile).
Go through the previous questions with the pleasant memory and note down your answers.
Step four. Compare your answers to the questions for each memory and note the differences.
Step five. Make adjustments to the unpleasant memory so that the type of pictures and sounds etc. match to the pleasant one. So for example if you are looking out of your own eyes in the unhappy memory but watching yourself in the happy memory, then change the unhappy memory so that you are watching yourself, or if the pleasant memory is in colour but the other one is in black and white make it colour. Do this with each of the answers that are different between the memories so that the answers for the unhappy memory match the pleasant one.
Step six. Now recall the unpleasant memory and notice how different is, it will feel less uncomfortable, normally what happens is you just become indifferent to it rather than unhappy about it.
Obviously, this is just a quick simple exercise but you should be able to notice some differences already. The plasticity of your memories is incredible and almost infinite, using hypnosis gives you access to even more adjustments and controls to change memories or emotions or even how you think to make your life more comfortable.
Let me know how you get on.
If you find it works for you great, if not, or if you’re finding it difficult send me a comment below and we can have a chat.
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